Katia Ledoux

Dear Friends,

I am very exciting to launch this new website. I am incredibly lucky and thankful to have amazing friends like Michael* who programmed and designed everything about katialedoux.com. Together, we contemplated many options on how to inform visitors about my show dates, upcoming events and life goals. I thought about the fact that I enjoy writing longer Facebook posts every now and then. I don’t want to stop this habit, but I am aware that there are many reasons for people to boycott platforms like Facebook, and I thought I needed to find a way to reach people on a broader spectrum. I chose the medium of a newsletter, because it gives me the freedom of a blogpost, while still giving off the more personal vibe of a personal letter. Of course, one of the big negatives that newsletters hold is the lack of opportunities to react by the audience: no likes, no comments, … feels so pre-2003, doesn’t it? (#retro! :D) But I think I might want to give this a try. I still look forward to hearing back from you through the “Contact” section of my website, or through good old e-mail to contact@katialedoux.com (or, of course, through my social media accounts!)

Are you ready to follow me in that big new adventure? Then don’t forget to subscribe by leaving your email address!

Have a great day and thanks for reading on!


* If you need help with designing your ideas online, translations from and into English and German, or any type of editing and proofreading, you too can get help from Michael! Get in touch with him at qwir.at.

Katia Ledoux

Booking agent

Olivier Lallouette

TACT International Art Management


+31 633 04 24 94